Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 18, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes Summary

Total Present: 13 – 7 board members, 5 residents. Metcalf was not present.

Minutes: The June 20, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes were approved.

Bills: Motion to pay bills in the amount of $2,148.88 was approved.

June, 2009 Beautification Award: Harry and Vanessa Wakefield of 6037 Princess Boulevard.

Signs: The NO SOLICITING, LOITERING, TRESPASSING sign has been purchased. We need someone to install this sign at the front entrance. The Board is continuing its efforts to work with the City of Pinson regarding Speed and Litter Signs.

News Letter: The 3rd Quarter News Letter, scheduled for delivery on August 15th, is currently under development so please hurry and email all submissions for publication to

Neighborhood Watch Program: A volunteer is needed to take over. The Police are willing to train the committee. To volunteer or join, please email

Landscaping Committee: Many thanks to everyone who has done site inspections, provided input for the Beautification Awards, picked up trash and/or helped maintain our front entrance. Volunteers are still needed! There is an urgent need for volunteers to help maintain the entrance for the month of August. Email

Pavement Issue: The Board was reminded of the six year statute of limitation and discussions ensued regarding possible means for resolving the pavement issue since developer John Millington has yet to provide the bonds/CD and Letter of Release to the Jefferson County Roads and Traffic Department. The Board will continue its efforts to resolve this issue.

Homeowner Association Dues: Currently there are 55 homes with outstanding dues. The Board will begin accessing liens following the August 15 meeting.

Additional Rules and Regulation Amendments Added:

Section 6.7

G. Directional for Sale Signs are prohibited on streets in the Heather Pointe Community. For Sale signs are only allowed on seller’s property which must be professional signs not more than six square feet.
H. Yard and/or Garage Sales (1) Yard Sale and/or Garage Sales are not to be conducted as a business; (2) All signs associated with yard and/or garage sale must be removed immediately after completion of the sale; and (3) No more than four sales, one each season, not exceeding three days are allowed.

Executive Board Meeting: Friday, August 7, 2009, at 6:30 p.m.

Next Homeowners’ Board Meeting: Saturday, August 15, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. Place TBA.