Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heather Pointe Homeowners Association

The Heather Pointe HOA met at the Pinson Community Center on March 26, 2011, at 9:00a.m.

Invocation was given by the President, Liz Reiff.

Roll call by the Secretary, Sylvia P. McClain. In attendance were Liz Reiff, President, Sylvia McClain, Secretary, Elaine Perry, Treasurer and Sabrina Gaddy, Metcalf Realty representative. Fourteen residents of Heather Pointe were also present.

The President gave the protocol for the meeting.

A motion was made by the Sylvia McClain to waive the reading of the October 23, 2010 minutes and approve as written. The motion was seconded by Elaine Perry. The motion carried.

The Treasurer read the amount for bills incurred from November 2010 to February 2011. The amount totaled $12,151.34. Motion was made by Elaine Perry to pay the listed amount. The motion was seconded by Sylvia McClain. The motion carried.

The President stated that there are three Neighborhood Watch signs received from the City of Pinson that need to be installed. The signs did not include the hardware necessary to hang them. She will purchase the hardware and have the signs hung in three strategic places. There are several neighbors who have been discreetly observing the happenings in the community.

August 2, 2011 is National Night Out. The City of Pinson will be a part of observing this event. Several communities will be involved. The Mayor of Pinson has asked if Heather Pointe would like to participate. Sylvia P. McClain has volunteered to represent Heather Pointe. Anyone who would like to be a part of this worthwhile national program should contact

The front entrance lights have been repaired. The sprinkler system needs to be fixed. Spring flowers will be planted in the future. Anyone willing to be a part of the Landscaping Committee should contact

Liens from 2010 were removed from the homes of those who had satisfied their monetary obligations. The community avoided the charge of an electrician for the repair of the entrance lights on the left side. The repair person did not charge a fee because the problem was a minor one. The sprinkler timer is not working and the watering system has to be operated manually. Estimates will be sought for sprinkler repair. Three nomination forms were received. One was ineligible to hold an office on the HOA board because he is not a homeowner but, he is eligible to serve on any committee. The other two will be sitting on the board if they agree to it to take over the 2011Vice President’s seat and the 2012 President’s seat. Nominees were encouraged to shadow the HOA activities of officers to get a feel for how the position is run. The President stated that her duties are minimal with Metcalf handling the more involved details. She further stated that she has been president for three years and is ready to surrender the position but will continue to work in a different capacity.

The 2012 Secretary and Treasurer seats will be open.
43 liens will be placed in 2011. A second dues late letter will be sent to residents who are in noncompliance. Five violation letters went out in regards to trash cans in sight from the street and Christmas/holiday decorations still on exhibit.

HOA meetings are held quarterly. The next meeting will take place in June.  The time and place will be announced at a later date.

Sabrina Gaddy, Metcalf Realty stated that she does on site inspections every other week or once a month. If residents having additonal complaints, they must be placed in writing and either e-mailed to the Heather Pointe address or USP mailed to the Heather Pointe PO Box. Verbal complaints will not be addressed. The amount of insurance paid for the common areas and officers was $1200. Heather Pointe has $18,159,57 in treasury. Amenities such as lights, landscaping, and other services that enhance the community will be cut if delinquent residents do not pay their dues.

Resident Comments

Vanessa Cotton stated that there have been some break- ins in cars and houses on Caylan. Residents are urged to attend Pinson City Council meetings to tell the government you need more police patrols. The more people who attend and speak out the more action you will receive.

Barbara Lewis stated that two of the vacant houses near her have had their back doors kicked in. She says that she picks up sales papers and flyers that are at empty properties to discourage break ins. Residents who leave sales papers, trash cans and other debris outside the home advertise that they are not home.

Bill Murray wanted to know what would happen once the finances go in the hole.
Lights, would first be turned off leaving Heather Pointe in the dark as it did about 3-4 years back.

Jean Murray asked if dues could be collected in January of each year?
The President stated that consideration of Thanksgiving, Christmas, fire dues and property taxes being a part of the latter part of the year, February was the month decided upon.

The Brooks’ are a new family in Heather Pointe. Tamir Brooks had several questions. Among them were; if mailboxes were to be alike because his was not. He also asked about the lawn and whether or not the grass must be kept a certain height. Also, he asked and was given information about Veolia waste management service along with pick up dates. Tamir Brooks stated that he installs ADT security systems and is a licensed electrician.

Barbara Lewis asked about the community having a yard sale.
The HOA Secretary told her of how a particular date was decided upon and how a past HOA officer had an advertisement placed in The Birmingham News and other communicative sources. If Ms. Lewis would like to organize a community yard sale, she should submit her plan in writing to the board for approval. An organized sale at a set time would give occupants time to organize their sales items, plan for increased traffic flow and thwart haphazard yard sales causing undue stress on neighbors.

Barbara Lewis asked if anyone had had HVAC problems.
Many residents in Phase I of Heather Pointe stated that they’d had problems. Phases I and II of Heather Pointe were built by American Land and Homes with Phase III being built by D.R. Horton. Carol Halderman says that she has her HVAC unit checked twice a year by a company she trusts and has been pleased with the results.

Ms. Halderman also said that last year she bought the wrong type of fertilizer which injured her lawn. It has since been reseeded and she will need to wait a while before she cuts it so it will look shaggy for a bit.
President, Liz Reiff thanked Carol for letting the board know ahead of time. She reiterated the need of residents to communicate with the board regarding special circumstances. The board does not want to know intimate details but if a person is having legitimate difficulties paying dues, having the yard mowed, taking down holiday decorations they should contact the board. Otherwise, these acts will be considered violations to the Heather Pointe Covenant and will be handled accordingly.

Shirley Naylor stated that she needs a reliable person to cut her grass. She was given the name of a Heather Pointe resident.

Janae Vail asked if we could paint our mailboxes? She stated that the posting of flyers with tape pulls the paint off of the mailboxes. HOA stated that mailboxes may be painted as long as they are black. Two HOA members confessed that they have used tape before but no longer use it to secure flyers. Flyers are now either stapled or tucked behind the red flag on the box.

It was moved by Sylvia P. McClain to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Elaine Perry. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

Many thanks to Bill Murray for installing the Neighborhood Watch signs.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homeowners Association Meeting

Heather Pointe Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Saturday, March 26, 2011
9:00AM @ Pinson Community Center
6230 Dry Creek
Pinson, AL 35126