Monday, April 5, 2010

3/30/10 Board Meeting Minutes Summary

Total present was 9 - 3 board members, 4 residents, attorney and Metcalf.

Minutes of the 12/19/09 Board Meeting were approved.

Motion to pay bills totaling $7,689.26 was approved.

CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT: You must be the original owner and have experienced warranty and/or other property issues. Contact Collins & Downey,, 205-324-1834, Toll Free 877-254-2986 or Fax 205-324-1846 for a legal consultation.

BOARD RESIGNATIONS: Resignations were received from our Vice President and Secretary. Gloria and April, we appreciate all your hard work and you will be missed.

BOARD POSITION AVAILABLE: Vice President. Please email

LANDSCAPING: We have no landscaping Committee. Detail Services will be doing weekly maintenance of the front entrance and common areas until this fall greatly improving their appearance.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM: Volunteers are needed to continue this program. The National Night Out Program is August 3, 2010 which would be a great opportunity for our residents to meet each other and hopefully become involved.

PAVEMENT UPDATE: Pinson’s Mayor states they are continuing to work to resolve this issue, but have some concerns as to liability should the City fix the current pot holes. A possible solution might be that the Association enter a waiver to hold harmless any entity fixing these pot holes.

METCALF REALTY: Dumping anything other than water down our storm drains is unlawful! Recently it was reported that hydraulic or some other type of fluid was dumped into one of our storm drains on the back street of Princess Boulevard. By law the Fire Department had to be informed who was required to flush the storm drains. This could possibly result in a charge for their service. If you see anyone dumping anything other than water down a storm drain, please obtain their tag number and call the police.

ACCOUNT ARREARAGES: All 2010 Association dues were due in full by February 5, 2010. A grace period was allowed until February 15, 2010. Payments received after February 15th, will incur a $50 late fee. A one time late charge of $50 would apply for payments not received by February 15th, or the 5th of March and April, for a total of $70.00. Liens will be placed against properties with legal action to commence on properties which already have liens of greater than $500.

JUNE BOARD MEETING: Time and place TBA one week prior to meeting.