Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finances and Minutes

By now you have received a copy of the 2010 Financials . Below you will find an additional copy.

This post also contains the minutes from the October 23, 2010, Annual Meeting.

HEATHER POINTE 2010 FINANCIALS (click to enlarge)

Board Meeting Minutes Summary
10/23/2010 9am to 10am @ Pinson Community Center 6230 Dry Creek, Pinson, AL 35126

The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Liz Reiff, President at the Pinson Community Center

I. Liz Reiff led prayer

II. Roll Call: Liz Reiff, President
Board Members: Liz Reiff-present, Sylvia Mc Clain-not present and Elaine Perry-present
Metcalf representation: Sabrina Gaddy-not present
Protocol for meeting: Liz Reiff stated meeting will be conducted by Board Members; residents will be heard at the end.
Liz Reiff motioned to waive reading of March 30, 2010 HOA meeting and approve as written; 2nd by Elaine Perry

III. Committee:
Elaine Perry read total of bills from period of April-Oct 2010) and motioned to pay $17,551.30; 2nd byLiz Reiff
Neighborhood Watch Program: Liz Reiff stated Mayor Sanders replied to email that the City of Pinson is responsible for road work and he will look into the speed signs on 10-22-10. There will be no need to purchase U-Channel Poles (very expensive) for the Neighborhood Watch signs the City of Pinson provided to Heather Pointe as they will be installed below the
speed signs. There may be a cost involved if nuts and bolts need to be purchased.
Landscaping Committee: Liz Reiff, updated as follows: front entrance will have fall flowers, sprinkler system is not working and will need to be repaired in 2011. Lights on left hand side (coming into neighborhood) will cost approx $50.00 to have someone come out to look at and repair, unless there is something other than running the wire wrong with them, then
there could be some additional cost. These issues will be tabled until 2011.

IV. Old Business
Pavement-Liz Reiff, should be paved soon.
Liens: Liz Reiff, liens have been place on all homes that have a past due. Each year liens have to be filed if resident has not paid, ie if resident owed for past years and has not paid current years dues a new lien has to be filed to indicate the true amount owed. Metcalf charged for 48 Liens @ $12.00 and $175.00 for Lien Preparing and Filing Fee. Total = $751.00.
Metcalf did not charge for some liens that were filed.
Dues Paid for 2010: Liz Reiff, went over the 2010 Budget and because of other income - late charges, violation charges and service charges the HOA is currently in a positive position. There has been collection on past dues. This positive position will not remain at the end of Metcalf's contract if the residents who have liens fail to make their due payments. Foreclosure
on homes in our community is rising.

V. New Business
Liz Reiff, All Board Positions Open
Liz Reiff, 2011 Projected Budget discussed
Liz Reiff, requested for front entrance sprinkler system to be repaired in 2011
Liz Reiff, requested for front entrance lights to be repaired, possibly by end of 2010.

VI. Next Board Meeting Date
To Be Discussed:
Place: TBD - will notify per email and flyers week before meeting.

VII. Resident Comments
6065-Greg Anderson-wanted to know the common areas, if we could hire someone to do all the lien work, etc. . .
5915-Johnathan Brogdon commented on management and gave a legal perspective on the HOA taking back the association and hiring a resident to perform the duties that Metcalf performs for us.
5829-Veronica Elder spoke about dues and thanked the board for what we have accomplished.
5931-Barbara Lewis-question about the 2011 Due letter.
205-Bob Brakefield-how to go about doing away with the association, wondered if he could take up silk fence that separates his property from the common area property.
261-Carol Halderman-spoke about the common area, flower pot stolen
5846-Jean Murray-agrees with 3rd party handling collections, Bill commented on the foreclosure issue.
Liz Reiff, will email B Brakefield some information about dissolving the HOA from the internet. It is very difficult as there are responsibilities that have to be met and someone has to take over those responsibilities and she did not think the City of Pinson would be receptive to take on these responsibilities.
Comment by Liz Reiff, about hiring someone to do the tasks that Metcalf provides to us and how she felt it would not be able to be done.

Motion to adjourn by Liz Reiff, 2nd by Elaine. Meeting adjourned at 10am.