Thursday, August 27, 2015

AUGUST 27, 2015

Drive Carefully and Observe the Speed Limit
It's not clear exactly what caused this accident.  There are conflicting stories. Thankfully no people or pets were harmed, only 3 mailboxes. Some residents were without power for a while. Alabama Power had the power restored by nightfall. 
  Thanks to Chris Blackwood for the photos

Refuse Containers Are to Be Stored Out of Public View.
 Unwieldy but  also unsightly.

Pinson City Council Meeting August 27, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
@ City Hall. Further discussion will be held on the 2 cents tax hike and
the establishment of Pinson having it's own police department.

Metcalf Realty Contact Person has changed
Bart Jones
205-879-2177 office
205-369-2806 cell
This information is also in the sidebar.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015