Friday, December 12, 2008

FAQ about Voting for Professional Management of Heather Point

Q: What do we get for the increase in dues?
A: Currently there are two issues the neighborhood is having. The first is the lack of board members for 2009 and the second is paying out bills. The management company would help with both issues. The company would take over day to day issues such as collecting dues, paying bills and enforcing covenants. This will help in recruiting board members because then the only job the board members need to do is meet to discuss items and plant the front entrance. Those who have paid their dues, do not think this is a punishment to cover the cost of those who haven’t. Metcalf is a solution to the two issues discussed earlier.

Q: The letter said something about the HOA getting a loan?
A: Metcalf, since they would be collecting the dues, would loan us the money to immediately have the lights turned back on and would then simply repay themselves from the dues collected.

Q: Why such an increase?
A: Most of the increase is due to pay Metcalf ($90). The remaining increase is to give the HOA a cushion. Increases in electricity, and water bills as well as increases in liability insurance and property taxes. This will also give the HOA a cushion to have so that if there are still stubborn neighbors who haven’t paid, the HOA will still have some money in reserve to cover those months so that we don’t have the lights turned out again

Q: If we have no money in the HOA account, how were the letters mailed?
A: Metcalf sent the letters and return envelopes for the HOA at no cost.

Q: If approved, how long of a contract do we enter into?
A: That is up to the HOA board, and right now it looks like a one year contract, in which the 2009 board can review the job Metcalf has done and see if we need to continue service with them.

Q: How many votes are needed to pass?
A: HOA can only increase dues each year by 5%. Anything above that has to have a neighborhood vote, of which 66% or 2/3 of the neighborhood need to vote yes for the increase to take place. 196 homes = 129 homes needed to vote yes

Q: We don’t have amenities that constitute such an increase.
A: No, we don’t. However similar neighborhoods built by America Builder and DR Horton just like our neighborhood are paying around $160-180. They do not have amenities either. Management companies are successful in helping neighborhoods get on their feet and either become self managed HOA, or the association will keep the services they provide.

Q. What will happen if we vote against professional management?
A. There will be no HOA. Most likely people will begin to do whatever they want, causing the community to become aesthetically displeasing and in turn property values will decline.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HOA Management

By now you should have received a letter and ballot regarding the future of Heather Pointe (HP) .
If the number of votes needed is secured, the present board will enter into a one year contract with Metcalf Realty. A one year contract is sought so as to determine the quality of service by the realty company.

The question has been asked, " How much increase would there be per year?"
As written in the Heather Pointe Covenant, dues can only be raised 5 % per year. Metcalf must also follow this percentage rule and can not increase the dues more than 5 % per year . In order to raise dues more than 5%, 66 2/3 of the families must vote yes. That is why you are receiving a letter and ballot because this is more than a 5% increase being asked for. It will be up to future board(s) as to whether they want to increase dues more than 5% and also if they wish to continue with Metcalf.

If you require further information you may contact:

Sabrina Gaddy
Metcalf Realty
879-2155 ext. 215
Bob Lacey
Metcalf Realty
879-2155 ext. 207

No doubt there has been discussion with neighbors and friends but this is YOUR decision. I urge you to contact Metcalf Realty with any questions you may have. You need the facts and not hearsay. Whatever you decide please return the ballot. Your home investment future is at stake.
I have placed a copy of the ballot and letter on this post for reference. Click the picture to enlarge it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pinson's Curfew Ordinance

While suspicious persons or suspicious activity should be reported to the Sheriff, you may also be interested in the curfew ordinance for Pinson.

A vote of 5-1 put the curfew hours in place for anyone under the age of 18 in Pinson. Sunday-Thursday, 9pm-6am. Friday,Saturday and official city holidays, 11pm-6am. Minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian or adult after curfew hours. There are exceptions: emergencies, travel home from work or any other place or event that has been supervised by adults such as recreational actiity or church.

1st offense will be $250, 2nd will be $500, the 3rd could be $500 and/or imprisonment for 6 months.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Turn on your outside lights

A home was broken into on Caylan Cove. Until the streetlights come back on, protect yourselves by burning your outside lights at night and engaging your security system. The cost for burning your lights at night and turning them off in the morning is not as expensive as it may seem. If everyone on a street does this there will be sufficient light during this dark time.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Highlights of the Homeowner's Meeting

The Homeowner's Meeting was held October 25, 2008 at 5:00p.m. in the common area on the curve. There were approximately 12 people in attendance out of 197 homes.

The yearly budget garnered much attention especially the allocation for lights. Unable to satisfy the questions of a concerned resident, the Treasurer asked the potential volunteer to investigate the situation and see what he could do .

No one volunteered to become an officer. Four people volunteered to become board members and "help out."

The approximately $4000 deficit, as a result of unpaid dues received much attention. One theory thrown out was that perhaps residents forgot to pay their dues. Possibly going to the homes of these individuals asking for the dues was an idea volleyed about. Several of the volunteers stated that they would be willing to do this.

One of the residents asked about the front entrance and its appearance along with no lights on the marquee as well as the weedy flower bed. The explanation included lack of funds for plants, no volunteers while two people try to keep things going and making a statement regarding the state of the community. Planting low maintenance, ground hugging, evergreen shrubs is a future possibility.

Allowing a management company to operate things was a viable solution to all of the HOA woes. Most in attendance were in agreement with this with the only reservation being how much of an increase there would be. HOA management by an outside entity is being seriously explored.

In the newsletter you received the following were listed under "Bills." This is a more detailed explanation of each.

There are 197 homes. If each person pays their dues($55/year) the amount collected would be

ALABAMA POWER=$588 mo.=$7,056 yr.
There are 3 sectors to Heather Pointe. The first sector was built by one builder and the second and third sector built by D.R. Horton. Allegedly, the developer, John Millington was not pleased with the first sectors builders because they didn't deliver on what they were contracted to do such as landscaping entire areas from one property to the other. Streetlights for sector one were installed by the developer. No streetlights were in the plans for sectors two and three. If you were here before the lights were installed in these sectors, you literally could not see your hand in front of your face. Board members looked into getting lights for sectors two and three. Alabama Power had to come out and create places for the lights which they placed strategically by the large power boxes you see behind each streetlight. These lights were purchased to provide a safer environment for these areas.

WATER & SEWER=$30 mo.=$360 year
Sprinkler system in front for flowers. Hot weather requires more water than usual for plants. Maintenance of sprinkler system.

GRASS=$75-$100 every other two weeks=$375+$500=$875 year.
The grass at the entrance to the subdivision, the area across from the houses on St. John, the common area of the curve and properties up for sale that are not maintained by the owners. Someone asked if volunteers could not do this to defray costs. This has been tried in the past and failed.

FRONT ENTRANCE PLANTS=$200 twice yearly=$400 year
The entrance is planted twice a year. Pesticide, fertilizer, 4-6 flats of flowers.

This is for the common area, front entrance, land across from the houses on St. John that faces Highway 75. The property tax you pay at your home is for your home and does not include other land that is part of Heather Pointe. These uninhabited parts must be paid for too.

This test is to prevent the back up of sewage, polluted and unsafe drinking water to homes in the Heather Pointe subdivision. County codes require that this test be done every year by a certified tester. Heather Pointe has been using Bo's Plumbing. The results are sent to the Birmingham Water Works Board by the certified tester.

Things that come up unexpectedly such as vandalization of lights at the entrance.
Having to rewire the lighting system because it was incorrect from the beginning.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Annual Homeowners Meeting

The annual Homeowners meeting will be held October 25, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will take place in the curve on the common area next to the former model home. Bring a chair. In the event of rain Brent Powell is offering his garage as shelter.
Funds in the HOA treasury are critically low. It was not long ago that Heather Pointe was so dark at night not even the next house could not be seen. Streetlights have allowed residents to take night strolls with their families and pets. On average the cost for the streetlights is over $500 a month. Within the next two months Heather Pointe will be dark. Why? Over 50 people have not paid their dues. "Place a lien on the property!" is a mantra I hear often. When a lien is placed on a property, the HOA will not get the money until after the property is sold. The money is needed NOW! All homeowners in Heather Pointe signed a covenant. New owners alleging no knowledge of this should contact their seller. Copies of the Covenant can be found in the July 10, 2008 Archives on this site.

The outside of a home often reflects its owner. Heather Pointe homes are built close together. One person's lifestyle often oozes over into a neighbors. Most often an offense is not intentional. Whether or not the offending neighbor is aware or not is unknown. The covenants and restrictions of this subdivision were formulated so that each residence is afforded the same rights. Below are the most common complaints from Heather Pointe residents.
1. Unkempt lawn. Grass not cut on a regular basis. Keeping the street area clean around your home is appreciated. Pick up trash. There is no Public Works service in Pinson.
2. Disabled car(s) in various modes of repair. This is an eyesore and brings down property values.
3. Garbage cans in front of the house. Garbage cans are to be kept from view. Put it in the back or inside the garage.
4. LOUD music. Music that shakes a neighbors windows, with foul lyrics, and disturbs the peace of others is not welcomed.
5. Blocked access on the streets due to cars being parked on the street. While this is necessary from time to time, frequent parking on the street is a nuisance to those entering and leaving Heather Pointe. Not to mention firetrucks and police unable to enter for an emergency because of parked cars on the street.
6. While your property is yours, constant parking on the lawn creates bald spots and puddles that create an unattractive appearance.
7. Children should not use anothers property as a shortcut, meeting area (loitering), or play area. This is trespassing.
8. Your pet is yours and not the community's. Confine your pet and his/her toileting to your home or property.
9. The common areas are not to be used for parking and storage.
Moving to a better neighborhood most likely was your reason for moving to Heather Pointe. Be a good neighbor. Think not only of yourself but also of others. Your home whether you rent or own is your responsibility. If you fall into any of the categories above, be considerate, take pride and right the wrong.
Terms of office for the two present members of the Heather Pointe HOA board will expire at the close of 2008. If you value your home investment and your future become a part of the Homeowner's Association (HOA). There has been some discussion of dissolving the HOA and allowing community matters to be handled by a property management company. Dues would be substantially higher.
RECIPE submitted by Vanessa Cotton
click recipe to enlarge

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day

Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It's a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday tributes the working class contributions to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Labor Day became an official national holiday in 1894. This holiday is usually celebrated with summer activities - swimming, camping, picnics, etc. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer in the Northern part of the U.S.
CREAM CHEESE PIE submitted by Vanessa Cotton
Beat cream cheese until smooth, gradually beat in sugar. Blend in sour cream and vanilla. Fold in whipped cream. Put in graham cracker crust and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.
The annual meeting will be held in October. A report will be given on the business of the community. New officers will be elected. The offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Landscaping are open. Self nominations will be accepted. Send your nominations to The date of the annual meeting will be October 25, 2008. A time and place will be announced in at a later date.

Couldn't make it? Click here for the schedule of what you missed.
Garbage cans kept in front of the home are unsightly and an eyesore. Place garbage cans behind shrubbery or a place where they can not be seen from the street. This is listed in the Heather Pointe Covenants.
The four people who took the survey regarding the Heather Pointe Information Site
stated that they found it helpful.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Butterbean Festival

Click on the title for information about Pinson's annual Butterbean Festival. The festival is held every year on Labor Day weekend.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Once a Month

It has been three weeks since this Information Site was launched. I've made new entries each Friday. I don't know if this has been useful to you or not. Nor do I know if anyone has been checking the Info Site periodically. I will be updating this site once a month beginning in September. In the meantime if you would take the survey on the site's page it will give me an idea as to whether I need to continue updating or not.

There is a survey to the left that can give us an idea to your thoughts. Or contact us at

Past information can be accessed by going to "Archives" and clicking on the dates and articles listed.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back To School

It's that time of year again. Heather Pointe's children are fortunate in that the school bus picks them up in front of their homes and returns them there. At one time the bus drivers were going to unload children at the entrance to Heather Pointe because of difficulty manuvering around cars parked on the street. It's much safer if children are picked up and returned in the vicinity of their homes. Bear this in mind before parking on the street.

I received the following information today and thought I would include it in case anyone is interested. xxxxxxxxx

Back to School Parade and Rally. The parade starts at 8PM at Huffman Baptist Church. very This year we will have free water rides and other stuff. Fun for all, Motivational speaker to get the children back to school the right way. Tell all.
Raffle to Win A Vacation Cruise for 2!

City-Wide Back to School Rally

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

9AM - 1PM @ the old Food World Parking Lot off Parkway East and Springville Road

1 block from Huffman High School

Around the Community


The home of Bill and Jean Murray. Bill has been in talks with Alabama Power about replacing the street light at the corner of St. John and Highway 75. In addition to that he is also investigating information about the streets of Heather Pointe being repaved.
Way to Go, Bill!

Senior Center at Jefferson State Community College
A new Senior Center named after Commissioner Bettye Fine Collins is located on the JSCC campus . Click the link above for more information.
Below are pictures of the finished caps ensconcing the lights. Let's hope this will make it more difficult for vandals to destroy.

Curb Numbers
You've noticed that some homes have their house numbers painted on the curb. This WAS NOT a project of the HOA. An independent business placed flyers on mailboxes selling the curb painting service.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Helping Hands

*Many thanks to Barbara Cook and Norma Ritch for helping to deliver the Heather Pointe Information Site flyers.
*Applause also goes to Peggy, our neighbor directly behind the Heather Pointe marquee who allowed the brick mason to use her water to prepare concrete and mortar.

The panoramic view of the trees across highway 75 has always been a picturesque sight . The changing of the seasons was evident with the leaves turning from green to the golden colors of autumn .
After seeing the deforestation taking place I went to the business office of Memorial Gardens. I asked the person at the desk if they were planning to build another subdivision. Her response was that they were just cleaning up some of the area. She said that they have sold off a portion of the property but that area is not visible from the highway. From her office I could see the area she was speaking of and it too was devoid of trees. She said they had no immediate plans to sell the property that borders highway 75 . As I was leaving she asked if I had need of a burial plot. I told her I already had one and was pleased with its location.

A few days later I saw a truck coming down their drive carrying logs. Putting two and two together let me know they were selling off their timber.

Click Progression on Lights for information about:

entrance lights, weeding, and trespassing

Progression On Entrance Lights

This past week a brick mason came out to build a brick container around each entrance light. He gave us a fair price yet it was still costly. Because of the cost, only one side will be lit at night. Optimistically, we hope that by encasing the fixtures in brick it will be more difficult for vandals to destroy. Of course nothing is indestructible as mentioned in Lights Out . HOA explored the idea of metal cages covering the lights.That idea was quickly abandoned when it was discovered that a cover for each light would need to be specially crafted by a metalworker. Each cage would have cost well over one hundred dollars per light.
Area being prepared to place concrete form

Forms in place to pour concrete
Heather Pointe residents are entering and leaving the community at all times of day and night.
Once the work on the lighting is finished it will be left up to us all to alert the Sheriff's Department of any suspicious activity. Calls can be left anonymously.

WEEDERS NEEDED ***************************************There are pros and cons with a beautiful garden. The beautiful colors of the flowers and their pleasant fragrances. are a delight. Keeping out the weeds and watering can be a chore. Be sure that anyone with a neat, colorful yard has spent lots of time and money to keep it that way.
The planters at the entrance need weeding. The presence of unwanted plants(weeds) distorts the beauty of the flowers. The possibility of replacing the flowers in the next season with low growing shrubs has been discussed. These would require very little maintenance and would be permanent. If you can help weed the entrance planters please do so. No need for permission. "Just Do It."
First impressions can be gained by the outside of your home. As stated above most people with beautiful yards work hard and pay dearly to keep them that way. Children walking across lawns that are not their own and using a neighbor's yard as a shortcut is trespassing. The power boxes make great seats but if they're not on your property you are trespassing. Allowing pets to run free ( even at night) and use another's property as a toilet is a form of trespassing. Let's be conscious of the rights of others.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's Not My Job

There was an important job to be done, and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY'S job. EVERYBODY thought SOMEBODY would do it but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY would not do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.
Compared to some neighborhoods the dues for Heather Pointe are hardly a drop in the bucket. Truly not enough to work with. Apparently, when the amount was established it was thought that everyone would abide by the rules and live happily ever after. Not so. We live in the real world and not Mayberry. To date there are a number of homeowners who haven't paid their dues. They have received the three letters and still have not complied. The next step is legal action. Legal action requires an attorney. Liens on properties with unpaid dues are in the works with the property owner paying all legal costs. Anyone purchasing a home in Heather Pointe was made aware of the yearly dues when the Covenant was signed.
Presently there remain 2 members on the HOA board, Secretary and Treasurer. The Treasurer has been gracious enough to continue paying bills. Without his volunteer service we would be without streetlights, unsightly common areas (remember how it was earlier this summer?) as well as other neccesities that require upkeep. (see lights out !) Originally dues were to be paid the month that homeowners took ownership . Composing a yearly budget with money drifting in here and there is next to impossible. In order for a budget to be established the Treasurer needs to know what funds he's working with. That is why this year you received a pro-rated invoice. All dues are now due in February.
The offices of President and Vice-President remain open as well as committees. In the fall at the annual meeting all offices will need to be filled as well as committee chairs. Encumbents will be more than happy to assist new officers. The potential of turning everything over to a management company has been discussed . There are positives and negatives. . This could possibly result in vastly increased dues, slow or no action regarding covenant complaints, swift action on legal matters netting the company commissions.
If you value your investment you will become involved.
Everybody can help Anybody so that Nobody won't be the only Somebody doing it all.
***We apologize for the misspelling of Heather Pointe on the announcement flyer

When Will the Roads Be Repaved?

Many of you have asked when Heather Pointe's roads will be repaved? The short answer is...eventually, which leads back to the original question of "When?" The roads were to be repaved within one year after all construction was completed. The HOA tried continuously to contact the developer of Heather Pointe regarding this matter. Calls were never returned. One Heather Pointe resident made inquiry at the Mayor's office regarding this matter. The Mayor's office and Council made repeated attempts to contact the developer to no avail. Upon further probing it was discovered that the developer filed a bond so roads will be paved and paid with bond money. As with most bond projects the list is long and the rewards are few. It's anyone's guess as to when the project will take place. In the meantime you may have noticed that the City of Pinson has filled in the potholes.

Lights Out !

By now you have noticed that the community entrance to Heather Pointe is unlit at night. This is due to an act of vandalism committed by person(s) unknown in June. The vandals took one of the stones from the planter and smashed it into the light fixtures, rendering them inoperable. HOA sought the professional help of an electrician as to what could possibly be done to curtail future damage. He has suggested that the lights be encased in a protective metal cover bolted in concrete . Though no method is foolproof if a criminal is intent on his/her crime, HOA will have the LIGHTS ON once this work is finished.
The community is advised to keep watch of questionable characters lurking about, especially late at night. Phone the Sheriff's office (911) of any suspicious activity. Your call can be made anonymously. The residents of Heather Pointe should not be subjected to acts of vandalism in any form.


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